Sunday 24 February 2013

DIY: Make your own head band

The queen bee did get to me. Blair waldorfs headbands are something I lust for. I cant buy them all so i decided to try make them. And i must say, making head bands is fun :D

All you need is

1) Any old fabric that you like. Im using the sleeve of my old dress. just make sure its long enough.
2) An old hairband.
3) A needle and thread.
4) Something cute to make it prettier (i did end up using pearls, they looks so much better)

Take the fabric and twist it around the hairband from one end.

When your happy with the way it looks (this is the tricky part), hold one end while you make a very small knot at the other end. Stitch the knot in any random way making sure the thread hold the knot. Repeat the same on the other side and your done.

I used a sting of pearls to make it look grand :)  

Hope you try it out. Its really easy. And do show me what you made. :)

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